We collect miles not only as individuals, but as a Chapter. The more of our members that register for Ride 365, the more miles we can record! There are great incentives for all. At the beginning of the year, please take a few minutes to drop by Thunderbird Harley-Davidson and have our H.O.G.® Chapter Manager, Dwayne Layman record your VIN and odometer reading to get you registered! After your initial registration, you can update your miles at any time throughout the year (just go back and visit Dwayne), and make sure you get a final reading before the end of December to complete your challenge. If you have questions, you can email Dwayne at [email protected]
Every day the road calls - 365 days a year, every year. How often do you respond? The more your ride, the more miles you rack up, the closer you get to reaching true clarity. H.O.G.® honors that passion with a series of riding/mileage programs: Lifetime, Annual, Chapter and destination challenges including the Dealership Check-In Challenge and the new 50 Rides, One Nation and 10 Rides for '24 Challenges.
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